Analytical and Combinatorial Methods in Quantum Information Theory II

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Analytical and Combinatorial Methods in Quantum Information Theory II

 24 - 28 Jul 2023

ICMS, Bayes Centre, Edinburgh

Scientific Organiser(s):

  • Gemma De las Cuevas, University of Innsbruck
  • Hamza Fawzi, University of Cambridge
  • Ivan G. Todorov, Queens University Belfast & University of Delaware
  • Andreas Winter, Autonomous University of Barcelona


This event was a continuation of the first ICMS workshop held at ICMS on the same topic, in September 2019, and built upon the existing links between operator algebras, quantum theory and optimisation. The following are sample areas which were covered: 

a) Non-local game theory;
b) Non-commutative combinatorics;
c) Zero-error quantum information theory.

The workshop specifically emphasised the role played in these areas by operator theory and optimisation, and capitalised on the deep connections between operator algebra theory and quantum information theory that have been developed in the past decade.


Monday 24 July Chair: Milán Mosonyi, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Registration and Refreshments
Welcome and Housekeeping
Marius Junge, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Collective Noise from finite to infinite dimension
Carlos Palazuelos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid On some recent results about quantum XOR games
Early Career session Roy Araiza (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Alexandros Chatzinikolaou (National Kapodistrian University of Athens) & Marco Fanizza (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Research session
Jason Crann, Carleton University Values of quantum non-local games
Welcome Reception, hosted at ICMS
Tuesday 25 July Chair: Michael Brannan, University of Waterloo
Matthias Christandl, University of Copenhagen Tensors: rank, entropy and entanglement
Miguel Navascués, Austrian Academy of Sciences Self-testing of quantum state ensembles and extreme POVMs in the prepare-and-measure scenario
Early Career session Priyanga Ganesan (University of California San Diego), Gage Hoefer (University of Delaware), Andreas Klingler (University of Innsbruck) & Yinan Li (Wuhan University)
Research session
Tim Netzer, Universität Innsbruck Abstract Cone Systems: A Categorial Approach To Operator Systems
Wednesday 26 July Chair: Debbie Leung, University of Waterloo
Vern Paulsen, University of Waterloo Synchronous Values of Games
William Slofstra, University of Waterloo Positivity is undecidable in product algebras
Problem session
Lunch and free afternoon
Thursday 27 July Chair: Lyudmila Turowska, Chalmers University of Technology / University of Gothenburg
Anna Vershynina, University of Houston Measuring quantum coherence
Michael Wolf, Technical University of Munich Quantum no-go theorems based on algebraic-transcendental separations
Early Career session Chiara Meroni (ICERM), Eric Roon (The University of Arizona), Samuel Scalet (University of Cambridge), Yuming Zhao (University of Waterloo) & Jeroen Zuiddam (University of Amsterdam)
Research session
Milán Mosonyi, Budapest University of Technology and Economics Barycentric Rényi divergences
Workshop Dinner, hosted at Blonde Restaurant
Friday 28 July Chair: Vern Paulsen, University of Waterloo
Michael Brannan, University of Waterloo Quantum no-signalling bicorrelations and quantum automorphisms of graphs
Debbie Leung, University of Waterloo Quantum data compression and rate-distortion theory
Michele Dall’Arno, Toyohashi University of Technology Quantum guesswork: a combinatorial instance of quantum hypothesis testing
Lunch and End of Workshop