LMS Computer Science Colloquium: Algorithms, Complexity and Logic

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LMS Computer Science Colloquium: Algorithms, Complexity and Logic

 19 Nov 2020
1000 GMT



The LMS Computer Science Colloquium is an annual day of themed talks on a topical issue at the interface of mathematics and computer science, usually held in November at De Morgan House, London. It is organised by the LMS Computer Science Committee. The event is aimed at PhD students and post-docs, although others are welcome to attend.
Next Computer Science Colloquium: 'Algorithms, Complexity and Logic'


Nobuko Yoshida, London A History and Applications
Kitty Meeks, Glasgow From decision to approximate counting
Anupam Das, Birmingham The size of proofs: from mathematical logic to computational complexity and back
Igor Carboni Oliveira, Warwick Kolmogorov complexity, prime numbers, and complexity lower bounds