Algebraic Geometry, Modular Forms and Applications to Physics

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Algebraic Geometry, Modular Forms and Applications to Physics

 26 - 30 Nov 2012

ICMS, 15 South College Street Edinburgh

  • Valery Gritsenko, Universite Lille 1
  • Shigeyuki Kondo, Nagoya University
  • Riccardo Salvati Manni, Sapienza University of Rome
  • Gregory Sankaran, University of Bath
  • Katrin Wendland, Universität Freiburg


This workshop brought together algebraic geometers, number theorists and mathematical physicists who share a common interest in the theory and applications of modular forms and moduli spaces. The objectives of this workshop were to make specialists in each of these areas aware of relevant research in the other two and to encourage and enable collaboration across the apparent boundaries amongst these areas.


  • Shigeru Mukai, Kyoto University - Enriques Surfaces and Igusa Quartic

  • Daniel Allcock, University of Texas - Hyperbolic Root Systems with Weyl Vectors

  • Jurg Kramer, Humboldt-Universität - Towards a Theory of Arithmetic Intersections on Mixed Shimura Varieties

  • Terry Gannon, University of Alberta - Vector-Valued Modular Forms and the Riemann-Hilbert Problem

  • Paolo Stellari, Universita di Milano - Derived Categories of Cubic Hypersurfaces and ACM Bundles

  • Nils Scheithauer, Technische Universitat Darmstadt - Discriminant Forms and their Automorphisms

  • Samuel Grushevsky, University of Stony Brook - Superstring Scattering Amplitudes and Modular Forms

  • Tohru Eguchi, Rikkyo University - Moonshine Phenomena and Superconformal Algebra

  • Kathrin Bringmann, University of Cologne - Modularity of Kac-Wakimoto Characters

  • Gavril Farkas, Humboldt Universität - Singularities of Theta Divisors and the Geometry of A5

  • Ken-Ichi Yoshikawa, Kyoto University - Analytic Torsion of Log-Enriques Surfaces

  • Pierre Vanhove, IHES Paris - Automorphic Properties of String Theory Amplitudes

  • Alice Garbagnati, Universita di Milano - Kummer Surfaces and K3 Surfaces with (Z/2Z)4 Symplectic

  • Mingmin Shen, University of Cambridge - Hyperkähler Manifolds of Jacobian type

  • Chiara Camere, Leibniz Universität Hannover - Non-symplectic Automorphisms of Holomorphic Symplectic Manifolds of K3[2]-Type

  • Eduard Looijenga, Universiteit Utrecht - Automorphic Forms in Algebraic Geometry and Singularity Theory

  • Nick Shepherd-Barron, University of Cambridge - A Formula of Fay's and the Schottky Problem

  • John Duncan, Case Western Reserve University - Umbral Moonshine

  • Viacheslav Nikulin, University of Liverpool - Kahlerian K3 Surfaces and Niemeier Lattices

  • Vassili Gorbounov, University of Aberdeen - Hilbert Schemes of Points on K3 Surfaces and Complex Cobordism

  • Radu Laza, University of Stony Brook - The KSBA Compactification for the Moduli Space of Degree Two K3 Pairs

  • Ben Kane, University of Cologne - Locally Harmonic Maass Forms

  • Emanuel Scheidegger, University of Freiburg - Topological Strings, Elliptic Fibrations and Modular Forms

  • Alessandra Sarti, University de Poitiers - Mirror Symmetry for K3 Surfaces with Non-Symplectic Automorphism of Prime Order

  • Marco Matone, Università di Padova - Vector-Valued Teichmueller Modular Forms, Jacobians and String Theories

  • Robert Volpato, MPI - Generalised Mathieu Moonshine

  • Klaus Hulek, Leibniz Universität Hannover - Uniruledness of Orthogonal Modular Varieties

  • Shouhei Ma, University of Nagoya- Rationality of the Moduli Spaces of Eisenstein K3 Surfaces