Categorification and Geometrisation from Representation Theory

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Categorification and Geometrisation from Representation Theory

 13 - 18 Apr 2009

University of Glasgow

  • Ken A Brown, University of Glasgow
  • Iain Gordon, University of Edinburgh
  • Nicolai Reshetikhin, University of Berkeley
  • Raphaël Rouquier, University of Oxford
  • Catharina Stroppel , University of Bonn


This workshop was in association with the programme on Algebraic Lie Theory at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences. The conference clarified the notion of categorification and its appearance in three different areas of mathematics: algebraic geometry, symplectic geometry and representation theory. This workshop brought together the international figures working on categorification with connections to representation theory, providing the possibility for people from different fields to meet.


John Baez, University of California - Categorification and Topology

Dror Bar-Natan, University of Toronto - Convolutions on Lie Groups and Lie Algebras and Ribbon 2-Knots

Jonathan Brundan, University of Oregon - The Graded Lascoux-Leclerc-Thibon Conjecture

Sabin Cautis, Rice University and MSRI - Geometry and Categorification II and Braid Group Actions in Algebraic Geometry 

Sabin Cautis, Rice University and MSRI - Geometry and Categorification III and Categorical sl(2) Actions on Categories of Coherent Sheaves

Louis Crane, Kansas State University - Categorification and Physical Spacetime

Jürgen Fuchs, Karlstad University - Topology and Categorification III and Modular Categories and Rational Conformal Field Theory

Ian Grojnowski, University of Cambridge & Kevin McGerty, Imperial College London - Representation Theory and Categorification I and D-Modules and Localization

Joel Kamnitzer, University of Toronto - Geometry and Categorification I and Categorification via Geometric Satake Correspondence 

Joel Kamnitzer,(University of Toronto - Categorical Geometric Skew Howe Duality

Bernhard Keller, University Paris 7 - The Periodicity Conjecture via 2-Calabi-Yau Categories

Mikhail Khovanov, Columbia University - Categorification of Quantum Groups

Aaron Lauda, Columbia University - Categorifying Quantum sl2

Ciprian Manolescu, UCLA/University of Cambridge - Topology and Categorification II and Categorification via Floer Homology and the Seidel-Smith Construction 

Gregor Masbaum, CNRS - Topology and Categorification I and Introduction to Reshetikhin-Turaev Invariants and Modular Categories

Volodymyr Mazorchuk, Uppsala University - Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group via Categorification

Jacob Rasmussen, University of Cambridge - Sutured Floer Homology: De (nd re) Categorification

Raphael Rouquier, University of Oxford - Higher Representation Theory

Richard Thomas, Imperial College London - Joyce’s Hall Algebra

Ulrike Tillmann, University of Oxford - Higher Dimensional Cobordism Categories and their Topology