Geometric Analysis

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Geometric Analysis

 20 - 24 Jun 2011


Scientific Organisers

  • Gerhard Huisken, Tubingen University
  • Andre Neves, Imperial College London
  • Peter Topping, University of Warwick


The three main objectives of the workshop were :

  • To bring together established experts in geometric flows with young UK researchers
  • To foster an environment where further advances in the area of hard analysis of geometry can occur
  • To create a better environment for young UK researchers in the area and to consolidate the promising position of the UK in geometric analysis

Speakers and their talk titles

Simon Brendle, Stanford University - Hypersurfaces of Constant Mean Curvature in Schwarzschild Space

Fernando Coda Marques, IMPA - Rigidity of Min-Max Minimal Spheres in Three-Manifolds

Tobias Colding, MIT - Singularities and Dynamics of Mean Curvature flow I

Mihalis Dafermos. Univeristy of Cambridge - The Black Hole Stability Problem

Simon Donaldson, Imperial College London - Kahler-Einstein Metrics and the Chow Invariant 

Michael Eichmair, MIT - Isoperimetric Structure of Initial Data Sets

Tom Ilmanen, ETH-Zuerich - Singularity Formation and Resolution for n=2 Mean Curvature Flow

Ernst Kuwert. Universität Freiburg - W^{2,2} Conformal Immersions

William Minicozzi, Johns Hopkins University - Singularities and Dynamics of Mean Curvature Flow II

Richard Schoen, Stanford University - An Eigenvalue Problem and Minimal Surfaces in the Ball

Brian White, Stanford University - Curvature Blow-Up in Embedded Minimal Surfaces

Neshan Wickramasekera, University of Cambridge - Regularity of Stable Minimal Hypersurfaces