Management Structure
The Management Committee has overall responsibility for the management of all funds and resources, for the appointment and regulation of staff and for the determination of strategy.
The ICMS Board consists of representatives appointed by the parent universities, nominations by the Council for Mathematical Sciences and members with a broad range of interests in the mathematical sciences. These positions are appointed after an open advertising process. The ICMS Board is chaired by Maria Esteban. The Board oversees all activities and advises the Management Committee.
The Programme Committee has responsibility for assessing all workshop proposals, evaluating past programmes and advising the Director on areas of mathematical sciences in which workshops might be encouraged. The Programme Committee is chaired by Maria Schonbek.
The Nominating Committee reviews applications to join ICMS committees and makes recommendations to the Management Committee who take the final decision. To date the nominating committee have worked on new appointments to the ICMS Board and the Programme Committee.
The Knowledge Exchange Subcommittee has responsibility for assessing all Knowledge Exchange proposals and advising the Knowledge Exchange Manager.
ICMS is jointly owned by the University of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt University.
Management Committee
Name |
Institution |
Representing |
Minhyong Kim | ICMS | Chair |
Beatrice Pelloni | Heriot-Watt University | Deputy Chair |
Jacques Vanneste |
University of Edinburgh | Deputy Chair |
Des Higham |
University of Edinburgh | |
Carmen Boado | Heriot-Watt University |
Sara Lombardo | Heriot-Watt University | |
Bernd Schroers |
University of Edinburgh |
Jane Walker |
Centre Manager, ICMS |
ICMS Board
Name |
Institution |
Representing |
Maria J. Esteban |
CNRS & Université Paris-Dauphine |
Chair |
Sophie Carr | Bays Consulting | IMA |
Eva-Maria Feichtner | University of Bremen | |
Mark Girolami | University of Cambridge | |
Susan Hezlet | ||
Joanna Jordan | ||
Julian Jones | Heriot-Watt University | |
Guy Nason | Imperial College London | |
Anne Payne | University of Edinburgh | |
Sarah Rees | University of Newcastle | LMS |
Marianne Rolph | EPSRC ex-officio | |
Marian Scott | University of Glasgow | CMS |
John Taylor |
Bank of England |
Programme Committee
Name |
Institution |
Representing |
Giovanni Felder | ETH Zürich | Chair |
John Ball FRS |
University of Oxford/Heriot-Watt University |
Mark Chaplain |
University of St Andrews |
Peter Clarkson | University of Kent | |
Cornelia Drutu |
University of Oxford |
Julia Gog |
University of Cambridge |
Jelena Grbic | University of Southampton | |
Minhyong Kim | ICMS | Director, ICMS |
James Lucietti | University of Edinburgh | |
Malwina Luczak |
University of Manchester |
Apala Majumdar |
University of Strathclyde |
Francesco Mezzadri | University of Bristol | HIMR |
Paul Milewski |
University of Bath |
Gregory Sankaran | University of Bath | |
Adam Skalski | Polish Academy of Sciences | |
Ulrike Tillmann | Isaac Newton Institute ex-officio | |
Stephen Wilson | University of Strathclyde |
Nominating Committee
Helen Wilson |
University College London |
Chair |
Sophie Carr |
Bays Consulting |
Minhyong Kim |
Director, ICMS |
Jane Walker |
Katrin Wendland |
Trinity College Dublin |
Knowledge Exchange Subcommittee
Lauren Hyndman |
ICMS KE Manager |
Chair |
Des Higham |
ICMS KE Academic, University of Edinburgh |
Joanna Jordan |
Freelance consultant |
Minhyong Kim |
ICMS Director |
Beatrice Pelloni |
ICMS Deputy Director |